"Handbags are no longer items you need to have one of; women today want to have several handbags from reputed designers at atrocious prices because they have become status symbols. The place which was once held by jewelry and cars is now being gobbled up by designer handbags and no one is complaining.They have become essential to tote around, even if your ID is in your pocket and the handbag is absolutely empty.Knockoffs - They say copying is the best form of flattery and that is very evident in the designer handbag industry. With knockoffs being sold in mall kiosks to street stalls, everyone can lug around a Dooney and Bourke look-alike even if it does say D&C instead of D&B when you look at it closely.Outlet stores are brimming with people from all walks of life trying to get a hold of a new bag each season. The bag may be of far better quality than you can get at a department store, but the price premium is also because of the name. Unfortunately people are judged by what they wear, what kind of house they live in, the cars they drive and now the handbag on their shoulder.Prices - Speaking of cost; an original Coach handbag for instance starts at around $200 and goes up from there depending on the size and style of the bag. Even young teenagers and school girls have gotten hooked onto the craze of name brand bags so much so that if they can't afford one, they pool in at birthdays and get one from fiends.
Season Proof Accessory - Weather plays little role in the handbag scene as opposed to shoes. You can not wear the prettiest flip flops in winter or the coolest looking boots in peak summer, so the supply and demand dynamic keeps changing. With handbags, there are season related colors and styles but not as much. If you have a neutral colored great looking bag you could practically use it come rain or shine.Auction Sites - If you do not want a knock off from the mall kiosk or swap market, you can score a deal by getting a gently used designer handbag online or at auction sites. People who have lots of handbags and want to dispose off them in order to buy more often are willing to sell purses and bags in great condition. Check the seller's reputation and bid carefully.Once they get used to the compliments they receive for carrying a must-have item, they try to climb another rung and get the next more expensive item as soon as they possibly can. For people who have the disposable income, designer handbags or any other accessory is not an issue. For others they should be an occasional splurge with the emphasis being on the word occasional."
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